Yongsung Kim spent much of his childhood drawing, and he started painting in middle school.
Though he never studied painting formerly, he was blessed with natural talent.
When he became an adult he worried about the path that he should take. With many possible directions, he was not sure which one was for him.
He received inspiration while painting to lead a life devoted to bringing glory to God.
Growing Up in Korea
Cherry blossoms bloom in the Spring in the Korean countryside, creating gorgeous scenes to walk through.
The tuffs of the delicate blossoms form clouds on the trees.
Yongsung Kim grew up in this beautiful array in Korea. He felt rich emotion there and he draws on that in many of his paintings.

Heavenly Blossoms by Yongsung Kim

Sunshine in My Soul by Yongsung Kim
About Yongsung Kim's style: he sees the world increasing in violence and darkness. He sees a decrease in bright and clean representations of religion. He wants to make sure he is adding those bright and clean depictions of Christianity to the world. He uses art to chase away darkness and bring light into our homes.
Kim is a devoted Christian husband and father. His daughter aspires to be an animator and his son a guitarist. As a strong example to his family, he wishes to lead them down bright paths to share his love for the Savior.
The themes Kim uses in his paintings are, “Good Shepherd”, Love and Grace”, and “Beautiful Christ”. He sets himself apart in Christian art because he does not depict Christ with dark or harsh themes. He stays away from what is complex or difficult and focuses on creating art that is accessible to everyone.
Christ the shepherd with his sheep is the most repeating theme in Kim’s work. This is a simple way to show the relationship we can have with Christ through the image of a shepherd caring for his sheep.
He brings a sense of self-worth to the viewer. Will a shepherd let one of his sheep get lost? Will a shepherd allow his sheep to tear themselves down? We have the most mighty leader. Our worth is great in the eyes of our shepherd.

He Leadeth Me by Yongsung Kim
His life as a Christian painter launched and he began turning hearts to Jesus Christ.
Kim’s painting He Leadeth Me is a perfect likeness to this great turn in his life.
He felt guided by Christ to become a Christian painter.
In this painting, Christ reaches out and touches the sheep while walking on a path.
The Lord’s hand has been in Kim’s life. He has been guided on his journey, just as a shepherd to one of his sheep.
Bringing the love of Jesus Christ to all hearts
The paintings share this message with a mighty impact. His painting, Calm and Stars showcases Christ’s great divine power. He does this in a way that is calming and peaceful.
The paintings share this message with a mighty impact. His painting, Calm and Stars showcases Christ’s great divine power. He does this in a way that is calming and peaceful.

Calm and Stars by Yongsung Kim

Kim uses familiar nature scenes to help the paintings of Christ enter the heart of the viewer.
The same way nature touches his heart. His mission is to shed light on a new generation.
Religion is often spoken of with harsh emotions. Kim wants to lose that darkness with the bright paintings of Christ he shares with the world.
His paintings are easy to understand and connect with, reaching a large audience.
Children love the bright colors of Sunshine in My Soul, Shepherds Rest, and Calming Embrace. All of Kim’s paintings use light colors and themes that bring children to Christ.
The art displays the love of Christ with familiar happiness that they recognize among the flowers and colors. He uses light to direct our eyes to Christ.

Shepherd's Rest by Yongsung Kim
Displaying Hope For Troubled Souls
Seeing Jesus reaching into the water from the perspective of a person underneath the water is incredibly moving. Kim hopes that the viewer sees themselves under the water and not just Peter the apostle. Peter was walking on the water to Christ when he began to fear and doubt. This made him sink into the water. Christ reached for him and pulled him back up. Kim aims to give courage and hope to those who have suffered deeply.
〇 Using Christ as Our Lifeline
We all find ourselves sinking at some point in our lives. Having this picture reminds us of this lifeline that we always have. Christ will always pull us back up and we can walk on the water with him if we can walk with faith. The hand of God print can be used among loved ones to solidify this lifeline in their hearts.
〇 A Haven From The Storms of Life
Yongsung Kim has said that in Korea people like his art, but in America people feel his art. He has found a sweet connection with the people in America as they felt the beautiful messages of his paintings. These paintings are welcomed into homes and used to create a haven from the storms of life.
〇 Finding Calm in Christ's Arms
Calming Embrace and After the Storm are two of his paintings showing this safe haven; Calm in Christ’s arms after life’s trials and darkness lead us to the arms of our shepherd.
The Hand of God by Yongsung Kim